by greenmountnz | Jan 8, 2020 | Latest news
Completed late November 2019 in conjunction with NZ Strong where Greenmount Espies supplied and installed various areas with with wall panelling, ceiling panelling and Ceiling fins. The timber is a mixture of NZ rimu and beech cladding either on plywood or FR...
by greenmountnz | Jan 6, 2020 | Latest news
Just a couple of early photos of some of the joinery at Waterford on Hobsonville Point Block 2, which is almost completed. Not only did we supplied the apartment kitchens but also the joinery in the common areas as pictured. Well done to all those...
by greenmountnz | Jun 22, 2018 | Latest news
The He Tohu Document Room – He whakaapa kōrero, he whenua kura by Studio Pacific Architecture took home a whopping three awards this year, winning the Craftsmanship and Civic categories, as well as the Supreme Award. The room, located in the National Library in...
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